Monday, October 12, 2009

One Fall Evening

One ordinary evening and not an extraordinary post.

This fall, biting cold has set in way to early, and recent rain has stopped trees from vannam saathifying onto themselves. Unusually this fall semester has been quite demanding and also alarming with obvious research pressures which I have happily been able to procrastinate till date. Looking into the last 2 years on what I have done, leaves me only with Edison's lab with N number of failed attempts (limit N -> very large). I keep telling myself "Its' high time I pull up my (made-in-pakistan :P) socks"; and still keep wondering when Attiyooran will actually pull it up.

When my department built this new ERC-South wing, they must have planned for huge rooms for faculty offices. That could be the only explanation for keeping temperature control in every other rooms!. My office is sandwiched inbetween two of the facultys' and they both have the controller and not me. Adding to that the physical plant has a power saving policy of cutting down heat and ac after 5pm (Well grad-students don't have a 8-5 office... or do they ?), and I need a button be pushed in the room nextdoor to survive beyond 6pm. Atleast my advisor was kind to give me his fan-heater incase of difficulty, but what about students in other rooms ? With the need to work extended hours, sitting in the office for late hours in these conditions doesn't sound encouraging.

One good thing for the day has been

Why doesn't youtube have a continuous playback option?

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